Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Tip of the Trade... Check out online sites for ad previews

As a coupon-er and a smart person with money in general, I am one of those persons that creeps through the ads on Saturdays and Sundays for the best deals along with coupons to ad match for the most savings!

Couple Months ago I found some sites that really helped me even more! There are sites that preview drug store ads up to three weeks ahead of time so you can see the ads so you know what weeks have the deals the best and so you know when you should stock up based on the cheapest price! WHAT A GREAT TOOL!!!!
I check the websites weekly so that I know when to buy products. 

Below are the stores that I know of that have ad previews... click the link next to the name and it will take you to the website so you can see the site yourself! Hope it can help you as well!:)

there may be others but these are the ones I am aware of! Hope this helps :)

<3 N

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